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Good Morning, Sunshine! | A 4-Week Online Course

Win the morning, win the day!

Creating a morning routine for yourself is essential to a successful life. Waking up earlier than usual will give you ample time to focus on your goals and conquer the day with more energy, mindfulness and strength.

Is this course for me?

This course is for you if your current morning routine looks something like hitting the snooze button four times, groaning as you drag yourself out of bed after checking your phone and perhaps scrolling through the Gram or Facebook, feeling your stress levels rising before you've even got out the door, grabbing a protein bar and knowing that from that point on, the entire day is likely to spiral out of control, feeling that you're always trying to rush and catch up, never really feeling on top of your game, let alone productive, creative or at ease.

We can do better! Many of us are busy, have a lot of responsibilities and obligations, and often feel strapped for time. Having a simple, replicable, enjoyable morning routine can make all the difference in being productive, achieving goals, feeling organized, and doing all of this with confidence.

This course is also for you if you fully get why a morning routine makes sense, but for whatever reason, just can't seem to get one to stick. Perhaps you have tried it and it's worked for a while but then fallen by the wayside. Perhaps you had one before and then life happened - children, perhaps, or a change in circumstances.

Perhaps you are fully keen but just not quite sure where to start, and like the idea of being held accountable over a period of time and with someone who you can check in with and engage with what's working for you and what's not, so that you are able to tweak and adapt and eventually settle upon a morning routine that really works for you.

Creating a morning routine is not focused on who can accomplish the most or check off more boxes than everyone else. Instead, it is about allowing yourself to begin your day with confidence, peace, intentionality and a positive attitude.

Starting the day this way can allow us to effectively complete tasks and to handle things that come our way without constantly feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

What previous participants had to say about this course:

"Nicci is such a joy and inspiration to work with. She is genuinely interested and invested in each person on the course. A very practical and helpful course. I'm loving my mindful mornings!!"

"Having a mindful morning is truly the key to unlocking your day".

"As a person who struggles with routine but craves personal space and opportunity for calm and self-care this has given me a ‘formula’ and real practical advice on what works and what does not. And opportunity to test, refine and space to share and adapt as my own journey has evolved. I have found the micro- approach so helpful and adapt the framework to what I need. Feel like I now know what to do- and it’s up to me to harness the daily energy I get from starting my day in a calm, loving place for me ❤️"

"The timing of this course was perfect to me. It has helped me accept, love and enjoy myself more and move more into a space of being as opposed to doing. My relationships are also improving. Thank you Nicci!"

"Simple and doable, I didn’t really believe I could do this but the morning peace is now a solace. Thank you, Nicci".

What if I'm not a morning person?

You don't have to naturally be a morning person in order to develop a great morning routine. How you design your morning routine is up to you and based on what you feel motivated to try and what you feel you could be consistent with over the long term. A morning routine won't be effective if it only lasts a few days. The benefit of the course running in four parts is that we have multiple opportunities to check in and see what's working and what's not, tweaking it where necessary to make sure that by the end of the course, you are actually excited about getting up in the morning!

What does it involve?

This 4-part course over the course of a month will teach you everything you need to know about how to create, and stick to, a mindful morning routine that will make your days more productive, less rushed and a whole lot more spacious, with room for not just the things you have to do, but the things you want to do too.


We will meet every Monday evening at 6pm (GMT+2) for 1 hour (60 minutes: 18h00-19h00GMT+2) on Zoom to set the stage for the week ahead. If you can't make the session, you will receive the recording so that you don't miss out.

The first meeting is on Monday 1 November 2021 and then we meet again every Monday after that for three weeks, ending on Monday 22nd November 2021.

You will be empowered with some simple, practical tools to help you adopt this new way from the very next day (and there is your first tip - a successful morning routine starts the night before!).

Consider it a recipe of sorts, that you can methodically adhere to as I suggest, with exactly the ingredients I mention, or that you can mix and swirl about, increasing or decreasing the quantities of ingredients, and adapting it to suit your own lifestyle, cicadian rhythm, faith or existing routine.

As you feel and see the positive impact of a good morning routine has on your day over the course of the month, you should find it motivating to continue practicing that habit. It will feel less like something you "should" do and become something you look forward to doing. If you skip a day, jump right back to it the next. Again, this is not about performing perfectly but about your giving yourself the opportunity to live your best.

How we start our day has a tremendous impact on the rest of the day. As we head deeper into the second half of 2021, this is a golden opportunity to make the rest of the year, the best of the year!


R1500 | $100 | 75 GBP

Book your spot here.

About Your Host

Nicci Cloete is a coach with a passion for using the tools of mindfulness to facilitate, support and sustain meaningful positive change. She draws on twenty years of corporate and non-profit experience in the UK, USA and South Africa, a track record as a trusted retreat facilitator and yoga teacher, a wealth of life experience, and her innate empathy and ability to connect with people. She successfully partners with her clients in a forward thinking, positive, proactive process to help them get from where they are to where they want to be, whether in a personal or a professional context.

metta365 enhances modern coaching and mentoring methods with mindfulness practices, focusing on executive leadership, transition and personal growth.